The importance of self-discipline cannot be over emphasized and we hope our pupils develop it in the years they spend at New Era Academy. In recognition of this fact, the school has introduced marks for discipline in each term. These marks are to be awarded by the class teachers after consultation with the concerned subject teachers.
On its own part the school imposes minimum punishment (corporal punishment in any form in forbidden) but it attempts to be firm and at the same time reasonable. We expect parents to cooperate with the administration in helping to inculcate in the students qualities of politeness, consideration, respect for all and above all good sense.
As per the school’s code of conduct, the following are socially unacceptable and students must, therefore, learn to avoid the same positively :-
- Habitual unpunctuality
- Irregular attendance
- Absence from school for ten days in succession, without any adequate reason.
- Insubordination or deliberate disobedience of orders given by a member of the school staff.
- Misconduct in the school premises.
- Such conduct or act, which the Principal thinks to be determined to the general good of the school.
N.B. : Criticism of a teacher or of the school, in the child’s presence should be avoided, because it causes the child to lose respect for his teachers and school with a consequent failure to learn. A legitimate complaint should be taken straight to the Principal.